
Icon has full-service capabilities in resource attainment and management. Our experts... more


In today's ever changing and fast paced business environment it is essential to remain up to date... more

Customer Engineers

Icon has worked with multiple large program directors and has proven to be a leader in finding... more

Contract and Project Staffing

In today's ever changing and fast paced business environment it is essential to remain up to date and ahead of the game, but sometimes full time hires do not fit in the plan or budget. Icon has cost effective ways to handle simple fill-in's, staff augmentation, and project management for special projects.

Benefits of contract staffing
  1. No Payroll taxes
  2. No Vacation pay
  3. No Fringe benefits cost
  4. No long term commitment
  5. No Unemployment concerns
  6. No HR separation issues
  7. Flexibility in job assignments

Being a small and lean company Icon Resource Group can provide these staffing needs well below the fees of the big, high overhead companies. Plus you will get fresh newly sourced candidates, not ones that have grown stale waiting on the bench.